Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kids Welcome... Screaming Kids, Get'em Out'a Here!


A North Carolina restaurant says screaming children are no longer welcome and that has some parents outraged.

The restaurant owner is tired of hearing her customers complain about screaming kids while they're trying to dine. So she put up these signs inside and out. She says, "It has brought us in more customers than it's ever kept away."

But these parents from West Virginia don't think the signs are so nice. One mother says, "I've never seen a restaurant say don't bring your screaming kids in here. You can't help if your kids scream."

It was then that the mother's baby started to cry. In question was whether that would be tolerated in the restaurant. The restaurant owner says, "That's a crying baby. Here's a screaming child. Wah! Wah! Wah!"


Screaming Kids should be...

taken outside till they calm down
asked to leave
given Benedryl
screamed back at


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