Thursday, January 27, 2011

Is THIS the reason more girls read than boys?

I read an interesting article yesterday. I'm always trying to find information on the whole 'Why Boys Don't Read' thing.

First, the author of this story states some facts about the sexes. For example: the percentage of boys proficient in reading is now more than ten points below that of girls.

But here is the 'real' question: Everyone agrees that if boys don't read well, it's because they don't read enough. But why don't they read?

There are several different views about this. As I've heard before, boys are bored by the books they're assigned to read in school. To try and reslove this, publishers pander to what they think the boys will find interesting - "bodily functions and gross-out humor." The article goes on to mention many different publishers and books that are doing just that.

The writer disagrees with that philosophy. He says by lowering the standards of literature, we're creating "a generation of barbarians and morons rather than raising the sort of men who make good husbands, fathers and professionals." I can't say I agree with that completely.

Is it really that simple? Do boys read less because of video games? I'm guessing that's a part of it, but not for every boy. Even though video games were in their infancy when I was a teenager, I still played them a lot. But I also read books, too. Just because a boy plays video games doesn't mean he's going to grow up to be a bad person. Not at all.

The reason/cure for boys reading less than girls is multifarious (how about that word!)... there are more layers to it than just video games. The lack of exciting/funny/fantastical books is another layer. Seems boys had no problem putting the video controller down to read HARRY POTTER. If you write it... they will read.

And I hope, someday, to help narrow the gap between girls and boys with my own words.


Karen S. Scott said...

I was surprised (pleasantly)recently when I did a presentation at a middle school. I spoke to 4 different large groups of kids, and in every session, there were many more boys (double the number, maybe!) than girls who were excited and talkative about the books they are reading. It made me wonder if all this noise about boys not reading is really accurate.

Ted Cross said...

I'm a good husband and professional and I don't particularly like high-brow books. I think it has to do with the publishers not putting out enough of the kinds of books that we wish to read. Look at the fantasy bookshelves today and you mainly see these hideous 'romantasy' covers that look like romance novels only with paranormal bits to them. No wonder we aren't buying. Fifteen years ago the same shelves had real fantasy books on them.