Friday, August 6, 2010

More Reasons I Hate Cell Phones (A Friday Five)

First we had 'Texting'. Okay. I can understand why people don't want to actually speak to other people. Talking with another human isn't fun. Yeah. It's true.

Then we had *gulp* 'Sexting'. Now... this is sort of scary. What kind of protection do they make for cell phones to ensure they don't get a virus? I saw this guy walking around holding his celllphone a few inches from his ear... because it was covered in little white warts. Ooh.

And Now I find out there are more types of Texting. Ugh! I can't keep up.

1. People who stretch and contort their bodies while texting = FLEXTING.

2. People who curse other people over their cell phone = HEXTING

3. People who text in alphabetical order or by order of importantance = INDEXTING

4. People who's texts are annoying or provoke anger are = VEXTING

5. People who's texts make absolutely no sense at all are = PERPLEXTING

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